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WebCoRE 4.1

Updated on 01/03/2022

Release Overview #

As promised, we have started unveiling our new CoRE updates!
WebCoRE 4.1 will provide users with an improved experience using
Space Dashboard by bringing over previously missing functionality
from space and adding design components for use in Space
Dashboard. In addition, support for Space will stop and at the end of
2021 with the Space module retiring at the end of 2022.

Key Features #

The ability to bulk download floorplan files (PDF and DWG
Currently supported) – Users expressed a desire to bulk export floor
plans directly from Space Dashboard.

The ability to customize the layout of Space Dashboard sections and content – Users will now be able to rearrange the order of the dashboard sections and add or remove tiles and columns from the dashboard and tables

Ability to navigate to data editor plus from Space Dashboard – Users will quickly move to data editor plus to edit space.

An enhanced user interface of the Space Dashboard module – General enhancements to the look and feel of Space Dashboard to provide users with the experience they expect

To find out when these upgrades will be in your WebCoRE, please speak to your account manager

Coming Soon! #

Here at The Changing Workplace, we are continuing to enhance WebCoRE. Next up, we look at how we group space to support hybrid working, otherwise known as “Neighbourhoods”.

Do you like the new features?

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Everything you need to know about WebCoRE

News & Help Guides

Everything you need to know about WebCoRE